Much Ado About Nothing 2.0
Melanie Burrichter und Rafael Rodriguez haben für uns Musik komponiert und Texte vertont.
Rafael (Piano) hat Originaltexte aus dem Stück und den von Peter Baasner geschriebenen Text Peter's Song oder Much Adieu vertont sowie einigen Szenen eine harmonische Atmosphäre durch Klaviermusik verliehen.
Melanie (Piano und E-Bass) hat die Tanzmusik für die Band The Bards komponiert und mit den Musikern einstudiert, die für einen Walzer, eine Rumba und einen Tango während des Maskenballs als auch für den Finaltanz benötigt wurden.
Gesungen haben Nurhan Hayta und Kilian Peters.
Sigh no more
Sigh no more, ladies, sigh no more,
Men were deceivers ever,
One foot in sea and one on shore,
To one thing constant never.
Then sigh not so, but let them go,
And be you blithe and bonny,
Converting all your sounds of woe
Into hey nonny nonny.
Sing no more ditties, sing no more,
Of dumps so dull and heavy,
The fraud of men was ever so,
Since summer first was leafy.
Then sigh not so, but let them go,
And be you blithe and bonny
Converting all your sounds of woe
Into hey nonny nonny.
His heart is stabbed incessantly,
His tears shall fall relentlessly,
His heart is stabbed, his tears shall fall,
His pain will last forever.
His foolish soul has been misled,
His pain will last forever, for ever and ever.
And now it is for wifeless me to end our play.
Now Benedick loves Beatrice
And Claudio his bride Hero.
Yet happiness and young love's bliss
Was nearly reduced to zero.
For true love is a precious thing
Whose symbol is a golden ring.
It is no game of hit or miss,
Nor won by all who seek its kiss.
But then this wily vengeful John
Agreed to a scheme of slander,
Inciting Boris to great wrong,
And Boris, he did wrong
And tore love's bond asunder.
Nobody could have stopped this boy
Who was planning pure destruction
Of happiness and young love's joy
With an evil plan of action.
Even I as his commander
Did believe in Hero's slander
Whose maiden's slate was squeaky clean,
And we the victims of a spleen.
The phantom of virginity
And man's imposed virility
Engendered this catastrophe
Which made love's dream a fantasy.
The heinous lie made Hero swoon
And all believed her to be dead.
They did bemoan such woeful doom,
But matters soon came to a head.
For under pressure and duress
The rueful Boris did confess.
Sick villain John was quickly caught
And his foul scheming came to naught.
The end of this love's rodeo
Meant pain and tears, yet turned out well,
For Hero pardoned Claudio –
And loudly tolled the wedding bell.
Bold Benedick got Beatrice
And Claudio a lovely wife.
For all, this now means lasting bliss
And finally the end of strife.