The Winter's Tale
"Sie ahnen gar nicht, wie beglückt ich wieder aus Ihrem Theaterabend gekommen bin. In diesen Tagen der (Fußball-) Meisterschaften bekommt meine Meinung ständig neue Nahrung: effektive, vorzeigbare Leistung kann es nur geben, wo Menschen mit Charisma, Einsatzfreude und Kompetenz an eine Sache herangehen. Erst dann kann auch Teamgeist zur vollen Blüte gelangen, und was SIE mit Ihren jungen Leuten auf die Bühne stellen, ist in der Tat meisterhaft. Da ist alles durchüberlegt - von den einfachsten Organisationsfragen über den Einsatz der unterschiedlichsten Fähigkeiten der kleinen Schauspieler, Musiker, Tänzer, Mitarbeiter bis hin zu den Hauptrollen, der Bühnengestaltung, der Requisiten und - nicht zu vergessen - der entzückenden, selbst gefertigten Kostüme. Das alles noch dazu in einer Sprache, die doch für die meisten nicht die Muttersprache ist! Man sollte die vielen, aus guten Gründen theatermüden Menschen dieser Stadt zu Ihnen in die Schule schicken! Ihnen und allen Ihren Shakespeare Players wünsche ich Kraft und Durchstehvermögen, Gesundheit und weiterhin Liebe zu allem Schönen, Guten, Zukunftsträchtigen."
Hildegard Vollmer
"Annemie and I just wanted to thank you for another brilliant Shakespeare production, which we enjoyed tremendously. It is unbelievable what you are capable of getting the students to achieve. What we particularly liked was the obvious pleasure the performance gave to all those involved – including yourself – and the many quirky details like the 'gentlemen born' preening themselves and delighting in their newly acquired attire, or the shepherd's son plunging his hand into the baby's swaddling clothes to ascertain its gender/identity in not quite the way the audience at first imagined. We were also very taken with the individuality of the performers, even those playing very similar roles, like the ladies-in-waiting or the gaolers. Margitta Becker, a fellow teacher trainer, also asked me to convey her congratulations to you. She found the production a quite outstanding performance, too."
John Wilkinson
"Viel Erfolg und nochmals Dank für die viele Arbeit und die tollen Aufführungen! Ich bin immer wieder begeistert von den wunderschönen Aufführungen!"
Linda Festag
"Ihnen und Ihrer 'Truppe' ganz herzlichen Dank und Glückwunsch zu dieser großartigen Leistung, die wir gestern Abend bei Ihnen in der Schule miterleben durften! So ein Shakespeare-Stück mit schulischen Mitteln zu inszenieren, wäre auch in England eine große Herausforderung; um so höher muss man Ihre Leistung anrechnen, wenn man bedenkt, dass alle Ihre Schüler weder Schauspieler noch englische Muttersprachler sind. Deren Beherrschung des z.T. sehr schwierigen Texts war natürlich nicht durchgehend ganz gelungen, aussprachemäßig meine ich, aber man darf die Messlatte nicht zu hoch hängen. Auch englische Schüler hätten mit dem Text garantiert Probleme. Es war für mich deshalb nicht immer ganz leicht, die Texte akustisch zu verstehen, aber die Schüler haben dieses nicht zu vermeidende Defizit mit ihrer Energie und Leidenschaft mehr als kompensiert. Es war insgesamt wirklich eine ganz tolle Theatervorstellung. Kompliment an Sie, Ihren Mann und alle Ihre talentierten und engagierten Schüler!"
Michael Ferguson
"I enjoyed the performance very much!!! At times I was really moved and excited. Great stuff!"
Don McFarlane
"Das war wieder eine rundum gelungene Aufführung, liebe Frau Baasner! Nicht nur Ihre spielfreudige Truppe, sondern auch wir hatten viel Spaß."
Ellen Schelz-Mellert
"First night at the FEO! By Sidney Beat Hundreds of fans lined the way to this long awaited event at the Friedrich-Ebert-Oberschule, many of whom only live for the day when once again pupils of the school together with Mistress Baasner show just how much fun and joy can be seen on a stage provided the heart is in it. And heart there was in it for sure, to be seen and beheld. “A Winter’s Tale” belongs to the more challenging plays of the Shakespeare canon and these lovelies of the FEO once again made it happen. Admirable in his wrath was Sicilia’s Leontes, a man to be counted for, Mr Steinert gave a memorable performance of his Highness. His absolutely charming Queen Hermione played by lovely Lilian Laurisch obviously has taken her craft from her namesake Lilian Gish following the latter’s footsteps beautifully. What grace, what pain and sorrow, thank you Ms Laurisch. Mamillius, Mr Garry Fischmann, was what one would call a “Fratz” in German and yet how moving when the cry for his mother stays unanswered. His sister Perdita on the other hand has been to charm-school undoubtedly, a joy to behold for sure, so please stay like this lovely Jessica Reetz. Another German word comes to mind when remembering the performance Adrian Tschoepke gave of Camillo – Herzensbrecher – no doubt and nothing less. Wonderful in his faithfulness towards his King and country. Both Alexander Daberkow and Mr Emanuel Glitscher portrayed their parts with admirable grace, never seen as “würdevolle Bürokraten” as these two before, I shall have to tell Mr Blair about their conduct. Naturally you don’t want to meet her in the dark as she can be quite fear inducing and still her rightful anger is displayed at its best with sparkling eyes and a pretty smile so “Bravo!” Paulina, Ms Catrin Czymoch, we all do want to see more of you! The Ladies-in-Waiting surely by now have an enormous fan-club, they act as one mind and body, only accomplished by the best of them, a big thank you to Julia von der Nüll, Laila Lala, Dilara Dodurgali, Meike zu Lynar and Maro Schulte. His Highness, Lord Nigel Dietrich who has no difficulty in slipping into a most fear inspiring jailor must have our respect, absolutely awesome, well done Nigel. The art of being a servant was most gracefully accomplished by Mr Marcel Augustin. It looks so simple and yet, there is a delicacy in it rare to behold. Monsigneur “Time” as was to be expected ran true of what was promised, graceful and timeless utterly moving, a true master of ceremonies, we give Peter Baasner a big hand. The Court of Bohemia consisted of a truly wise and manly Polixenes, performed by Jesco Panitz. With his good looks it wasn’t that far out that Leontes got jealous, in any case it came as no surprise to us. Polixenes’ charm was inherited by his “son”, Florizel, Felix Behringer, thank you ladies for not fainting the minute he walked on stage. So Mr. Robby Williams watch out for Felix Behringer! Now who really charmed my socks off were Paul Saint-Paul and Felix Neumann. I have in my entire life never seen such enchanting two. Gentlemen, you see me here before you, on my knees… Those two were accompanied by the one and only Marco Hensel, dear Marco, I want to know who made those shoes, astonishing in their brightness, I applaud both you and your shoes. Last not least let’s hear it for Kilian Peters, a man, a voice, a lady killer, that just about sums it up for me, Dean Martin must have been your uncle. Bravo, Bravo, Bravo also to all of you wonderful souls working behind the scenes and the biggest hand of all naturally and simply belongs to Mrs B, heart and soul of the truly ingenious Shakespeare Players!"
Sidney Beat